Often, to assist DevHub support in helping troubleshoot your issue, they may ask you to provide as much information as possible pertaining to the account.
One of the most useful pieces of information you can provide is the Builder URL or Site ID of the account, to identify which Whitelabel Instance and Domain is being escalated. With so many customers, being able to obtain this information quickly means our support team can also assist you faster.
How to obtain Builder URLs and Site IDs
Builder URL
When logged into the DevHub Builder, providing any link based on the page you are viewing here will be helpful. Any link containing "[whitelabel].cloudfrontend.com/" is considered a builder URL.
If the issue pertains to a specific site, going one step further and selecting Sites > Open builder > and copying this URL from your browser bar will be most helpful.
Site ID
The easiest way to send a Site ID is to simply send the Builder URL when you are no site, after selecting "Open Builder", as outlined above. The Site ID will be contained in the URL:
To find the Site ID otherwise, you can visit either the Sites or Proxies tab in the dashboard. Scroll or search, and click on the name of the site/proxy on the left to show the details. Copy the ID that is listed here.